Virtual Reviews for WooCommerce is a WooCommerce review plugin that helps you to automatically generate reviews for your WooCommerce product. The plugin is very useful for new stores which don’t have many customer reviews.
► Bulk add reviews: WooCommerce Virtual Reviews helps you to bulk adding reviews to your WooCommerce product with only one click.
- Author names: set up a list of review authors that will be randomly added to reviews.
- Comments: set up a list of review comments that will be randomly added to reviews.
- Ratings: select the rating of generated reviews. 1-start, 2-stars, 3-stars, 4-stars, 5-stars, random 1-5 stars, random 2-5 stars, random 3-5 stars, random 4-5 stars.
► Canned reviews: The plugin will display a list of canned reviews in the review form of your site. This feature helps your customers leave review faster and easier.
- List of canned reviews: set up a list of canned review that you want to display on front-end.
- 2 front-end styles: select how will the canned reviews display on front-end. There are 2 styles for you to choose from slide style and select style.
► Custom review adding: WooCommerce Virtual Reviews allows you to add reviews from your back end.
- Product: select the product you want to add reviews.
- Comment: a field to type in the review comment.
- Review author: select the review author.
Reviews for WooCommerce
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