[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f you are going to make a multivendor market place then You need a multivendor plugin .
Not sure if Dokan Multivendor, or WCFM Marketplace is the better choice for your needs. We tested both plugins in many of our clients website and ours too. Here is our review about WCFM Marketplace and Dokan
To make things more challenging, all the plugins in this segment share quite a reputation and offer similar range of features. However, if you look deeper to find out the perfect multi vendor solution for your marketplace,
Two names you’re bound to soon come across are Dokan and WCFM Marketplace.
It helps you to build your own dream marketplace like Amazon, eBay, etsy, AirBnB or Flipkart within minutes, with minimal setup..
Dokan – WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace Solution
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Dokan is the most used multivendor market plugin in the wordpress plugin directory.it has 60,000+ Active Installations. Dokan started its journey as a WooCommerce based marketplace theme on 17th Feb, 2014. But soon after 7 months of its release, it gets relaunched as a plugin bundled with a free marketplace theme to stay in the competition.
Pros of Dokan – WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace Solution »
Dokan is the first successful market place plugin in the market!
Now never get bored with the old fashioned appearance of your store. Have full control over your store customization with the Elementor Module for Dokan. Simply get the customizer to be able to customize the global outlook of the vendor store pages. Drag & drop more than 12 incredible store widgets made exclusively for Dokan and place it anywhere you want it. Save as many customized templates as you want to use it whenever you need it
Dokan is compatible with more than 60+ plugins so that you don’t have to worry about anything when it comes to compatibility.From Shipping plugins, Payment plugins to Wallets you have the peace of mind when building Dokan for a global audience.
- Every seller gets their own store with a unique URL and branding.
- Beautiful storefront styles with contact details and widgets
- WordPress admin area can be accessed only by admin.
- Vendors manage products, orders management, withdraws everything from site frontend.
5.Use Any WooCommerce Compatible Theme
You can start using Dokan with any theme that supports WooCommerce. You will also get a free theme to get started so you don’t face trouble when building your multi-vendor marketplace
Dokan comes with a number of extended features that were built around idea that someone with the potential should not be restricted to achieve his/her dream because of any shortcomings.
Cons of Dokan – WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace Solution »
- Does not contain any valuable features. extremely attention to pricing plan
Poor customer service-Bad customer service can be defined as when a business fails to meet the customer expectations in terms of service quality
- Limited short codes-a shortcode is a small piece of code, indicated by brackets like [this] , that performs a dedicated function on your site. You can place it just about anywhere you’d like, and it will add a specific feature to your page, post, or other content.
- Pro features cost high amount compared to other multivendor plugins
- It is Not Fully compatible with Multi Language
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WCFM Marketplace – Multivendor Marketplace for WooCommerce
WCFM Marketplace is the fastest growing multivendor market place plugin in the wordpress plugin directory.it has 30,000+ Active Installations. With a 4.9 user rating.WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace (WCFM Marketplace) is a front end multi-vendor marketplace plugin on WordPress, powered by WooCommerce. It helps you to build your own dream marketplace like Amazon, eBay, etsy, AirBnB or Flipkart within minutes, with minimal setup.
Pros of WCFM Marketplace – Best Multivendor Marketplace for WooCommerce »
It will enhance vendor’s marketplace experience to next level using FREE Vendor Mobile APP
Store List is a page where you may list all your site vendors. Now this has many features, filters, maps and many other aspects. So let’s start with very basics, how you will have a “Store List” page?
Well, it’s very simple, you just have to create WP page from your site’s wp-admin -> Pages -> Add New
You may add any title for this page, no restriction at all. But in page content area you have to add this short code –
You will see a page like this –
Commission is the most important part of any multi-vendor site.
WCFM Marketplace will going to give you all kind of flexibility to setup your marketplace commissions.

Setup overall store commissions global rules from WCfM Dashboard -> Setting -> Commission Setting

You may set commission rules for whom –
- Admin
- Vendor
Depending upon this setting commission will be calculated and disburse to vendors.

WCFM Marketplace gives you and your vendors the most flexible and powerful shipping management system for your marketplace. Most importantly, WCFM is seamlessly compatible with a number of major shipping plugins available today and you can get a glance of the same from here.
WCFM Marketplace gives you and your vendors the most flexible and powerful Addons for your marketplace. It also for cheaper rate compared to Dokan Most importantly, This Addons are seamlessly compatible with a number of major plugins So there is a less chance of compatible issues.
WCFM Marketplace gives you Extensive payout options for your marketplace. It also support most of the important payment options like Stripe Stripe ,Split Pay (3D Secure & SCA Compatible)PayPal, PayPal, Direct Pay
PayFast, PayStack,MangoPay ,Wirecard (Moip), Skrill etc
Cons of WCFM Marketplace – Best Multivendor Marketplace for WooCommerce »
- Not suitable with all WooCommerce Compatible Themes
Require 2 additional plugins to work completely-(those plugins also free.but adding more plugins may slow down the speed of the website if your using a low cost hosting)
- It may crash with some other plugins when they use together.
- Never get fast respond-Bad customer service can be defined as when a business fails to meet the customer expectations in terms of service quality, response time, or overall customer experience.
- customization cost is high-Customized pricing refers to altering the price of goods or services based on customer factors
Our conclusion is based on our experience and customer reviews
By comparing this 2 plugins we can find that Wcfm Marketplace plugin is better than Dokan plugin because of its features .Dokan does not contain any valuable features Compared to wcfm. extremely attention to pricing plans .Wcfm will enhance your vendor’s marketplace experience to next level using FREE Vendor Mobile APP. wcfm is lighter than Dokan by its size. This will help you to increase the speed of your website
Multivendor Plugins
Not sure if Dokan Multivendor, or WCFM Marketplace is the better choice for your needs. We tested both plugins in many of our clients website and ours too. Here is our review about WCFM Marketplace and Dokan
By comparing this 2 plugins we can find that Wcfm Marketplace plugin is better than Dokan plugin because of its features .Dokan does not contain any valuable features Compared to wcfm. extremely attention to pricing plans .Wcfm will enhance your vendor’s marketplace experience to next level using FREE Vendor Mobile APP. wcfm is lighter than Dokan by its size. This will help you to increase the speed of your website
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